Energy Performance Contracting (EPC)
It’s easy to put energy efficiency and carbon reduction programmes on hold for a lack of available funds. It’s also a failing approach, as taxes for noncompliance could wind up costing your organisation much more in the future than a modest investment would cost today.
A clear path to improved efficiency
Lack of immediate capital is not an obstacle to meeting energy and carbon reduction goals.
Energy performance contracting, or EPC, bridges the gap between future returns and current costs by allowing you to pay for improvements now with money you will save in the future. An EPC allows the up-front cost for energy conservation measures to be paid over time through reductions in utility bills and compliance fees. The more you pay for energy now, the more you may be able to invest in efficiency and carbon reduction.
Ameresco is a global leader in developing and implementing EPC projects. We have helped organisations around the world reduce emissions and energy use through projects in single facilities, across enterprises and at utility scale.
Our EPC projects stand apart through our commitment to auditing and feasibility. We begin every EPC with an in-depth site audit that is modeled against historical energy use data to identify measurable, predictable savings that can be used to fund improvements. We review these findings in depth with our clients and then give them the freedom to choose energy conservation measures that best meet their operational, energy reduction and carbon reduction goals.